We’re getting noticed! Over 100 publications mention of us and #INVISIBLEBAG across international media coverage, but what are they saying about us?

“But what’s even more unique? The company’s packaging is vibrantly branded, firmly inserting itself into the story of the product it envelops."

"If you’ve already ditched the plastic bags, disposable coffee cups and single-use straws, and are now wondering what other steps you can take to help the environment – allow us to introduce the #INVISIBLEPOOBAG."

“This dire prediction makes companies working to reduce plastic waste — like Distinctive Action — all the more important”

"The company aims to raise awareness against pollution, which is a good thing seeing how plastic pollution is becoming an increasing problem in our world today."

"そして、さらに特徴的なのは、ビニール袋に印字されたブランド名のデザインだろう。これは、Distinctive Actionが消費者へ伝えたいメッセージでもある。彼らは、ブランド名を目立つように印字することで、プラスチック廃棄物削減を目指す香港での運動を再燃させ、積極的な環境変化のためのコミュニティを作りたいと考えている。"

"Ecopreneurs launch disappearing shopping bags, seeking to cut down on single-use plastics, this start-up’s plastic dissolves in hot water."

"Distinctive Action, est un fournisseur de solutions d’emballage, basée à Hong Kong, qui cherche à être le moteur de changements fondamentaux dans l’industrie. En sensibilisant les entreprises et les particuliers à la crise mondiale de la pollution plastique en cours, il cherche à offrir des matériaux alternatifs qui peuvent réduire l’empreinte de pollution de leur consommation."