It is always hard to begin with something, however, if we can build practices and execute it step by step. Our goal won’t be far away and you can also try a “Free 5-Day Program to Build Habits” by “Tiny Habits” to turn small behaviors into sustainable habits.
Habit 1 : Look for quality over quantity
Buy fewer garments, but opt for higher quality one would encourage you to wear more

Habit 2 : Rent instead of Buy
Embracing new models of ownership like leasing would help. Prêt-à-Dress, Wardrobista Limited, Style Carousel provides renting services in different styling

Habit 3 : Recycle or Reuse your old clothes
When we are done with clothing. It doesn’t need to go to landfills right away. It can be recycled, reused or repurposed. If you are in the fashion business, the new book from Ellen MacArthur Foundation may give you some innovative ideas on this. You can even repair your old clothes to give it a second life.

Source: Unsplash
Habit 4: Donate the unwanted clothing
Donate the unwanted clothes to someone in need. You may drop by one of the charities and NGO in HK. Name a few for your reference:
- A break 93
https://www.abreak93.com/ - Christian Action
https://www.christian-action.org.hk/en - JupYeah
https://www.jupyeah.com/ - Retykle
https://retykle.com/ - The Salvation Army Family Store
https://familystore.salvationarmy.org.hk - Redress
If you are in the States or Australia, here are the charities and NGO you could drop your clothes to:
In New York
- The thrifty HoG
https://www.thriftyhog.org/ - SCRAP NYC
https://www.scrapnyc.com/ - Soles4Souls
https://soles4souls.org/ - Dress for Success
https://newyork.dressforsuccess.org/ - Bottomless Closet
In Las Vegas
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Nevada
https://www.donatelasvegas.com/ - Goodwill Retail Store and Donation Center
https://www.goodwillvegas.org/ - Las Vegas Rescue Mission Thrift Store
https://vegasrescue.org/thrift-store/ - Savers
https://stores.savers.com/nv/lasvegas/ - SafeNest Donation Center
In Australia
- Salvos Stores
https://www.salvosstores.com.au/ - Australian Red Cross

Source: Unsplash
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